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“Unleavened Wreaths” – a 1 Corinthians 5 Craft.

Unleavened Wreaths Craft

Based on 1 Corinthians 5


  • 12-inch wire wreath frame
  • Brown twine
  • Unleavened bread (matzo or similar)
  • Ribbon or decorative items (optional)


  1. Cut the twine into several 2-foot lengths.
  2. Tie one end of a twine piece onto the wreath frame, leaving a long tail.
  3. Wrap the twine around the frame, covering it completely. Make sure to keep the twine taut and close together.
  4. When you reach the end of a twine piece, tie it onto the frame and start a new piece, tying it to the previous tail.
  5. Continue wrapping and tying twine until the entire wreath is covered.
  6. Take the unleavened bread and break it into small pieces.
  7. Using the twine tails, tie the pieces of bread onto the wreath, spacing them evenly.
  8. If desired, add ribbon or other decorations to the wreath.
  9. Hang the wreath in a prominent place as a reminder of the importance of removing sin from our lives, as discussed in 1 Corinthians 5.

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