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Transfigured Treasures – a Mark 9 Craft

Transfigured Treasures – a Mark 9 Craft

Materials Needed

  • Clear glass or plastic jar
  • Glitter or confetti
  • Water
  • Food coloring
  • Hot glue gun
  • Small figurine or toy
  • Optional: battery-powered tea light


  1. Begin by selecting a small figurine or toy that represents something you would like to transform in your life. For example, if you struggle with fear, you may choose a toy that represents courage.
  2. Using the hot glue gun, attach the toy to the bottom of the jar.
  3. Add a handful of glitter or confetti to the jar.
  4. Fill the jar with water.
  5. Add a few drops of food coloring to the water.
  6. Close the jar tightly and shake it up to distribute the glitter and food coloring.
  7. Place the jar in front of a window or other source of light.
  8. As you watch the glitter swirl and shine in the water, visualize the transformation you desire in your life. See yourself as the toy, being transformed into a new and better version of yourself.
  9. Optional: Place a battery-powered tea light under the jar to create a beautiful glowing effect.

Biblical Inspiration

This craft is inspired by Mark 9, where Jesus takes Peter, James, and John up a high mountain and is transfigured before them, his clothes becoming dazzling white and Elijah and Moses appearing with him. This incredible moment of transformation was a powerful reminder of Jesus’ divinity and the transformative power of his love. This craft invites us to reflect on our own need for transformation and the ways in which God can work in our lives to create something new and beautiful.

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