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Transfiguration Tote – a Matthew 17 Craft

Transfiguration Tote – a Matthew 17 Craft


  • Tote bag
  • Fabric markers or paint
  • Iron-on transfer paper
  • Printer
  • Scissors
  • Iron


  1. Using a printer, print out a picture of Jesus transfigured on iron-on transfer paper.
  2. Cut out the picture of Jesus, leaving a small border around the image.
  3. Preheat an iron to the instructions on the transfer paper packaging.
  4. Place the picture of Jesus onto the tote bag, with the image facing up.
  5. Iron the transfer paper according to the packaging instructions, making sure to apply enough pressure to adhere the picture to the tote bag.
  6. Let the transfer paper cool for a few minutes, then slowly peel off the backing paper to reveal the image of Jesus on the tote bag.
  7. Using fabric markers or paint, write "Matthew 17" on the tote bag under the image of Jesus.
  8. Let the tote bag dry completely before using.


The Transfiguration Tote is a craft based on the story of the Transfiguration in Matthew 17 of the Bible. In this story, Jesus takes Peter, James, and John up a high mountain, where he is suddenly transfigured before them, his face shining like the sun and his clothes becoming as white as light. The Transfiguration Tote is a way to remember this powerful moment in Jesus’ ministry and to carry that memory with you wherever you go. The image of Jesus on the tote bag serves as a reminder of his divinity and the awe-inspiring event of the Transfiguration. Writing "Matthew 17" under the image of Jesus helps to further connect the craft to the biblical story and to make it a meaningful keepsake for anyone who creates it.

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