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Redemption Wreath – a Romans 3 Craft

Redemption Wreath – a Romans 3 Craft

Materials Needed:

  • Paper plate
  • Red paint
  • Paintbrush
  • Scissors
  • Hole puncher
  • Red ribbon or yarn
  • Black marker
  • Small pieces of white paper


  1. Begin by painting the entire paper plate with red paint. Let it dry completely.
  2. Once the paint is dry, cut out the center of the paper plate to create a wreath shape.
  3. Using the hole puncher, make several holes around the edge of the wreath.
  4. Cut small pieces of red ribbon or yarn and tie them through the holes in the wreath.
  5. On each piece of white paper, write a word or phrase related to redemption, such as "forgiveness," "grace," "salvation," or "cleansing."
  6. Roll up each piece of paper and tie it with a small piece of red ribbon or yarn.
  7. Using the black marker, write "Romans 3" on the bottom of the wreath.
  8. Hang the wreath in a prominent place as a reminder of the redemption offered through faith in Jesus Christ.


In Romans 3, the apostle Paul explains that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (verse 23), and that the only way to be justified before God is through faith in Jesus Christ (verses 21-26). The Redemption Wreath craft is a visual reminder of this truth, with the red paint representing the blood of Christ shed for our sins, and the words tied to the wreath representing the various aspects of redemption available to us through faith.

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