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Pharisee’s Woe – a Matthew 23 Craft


  • Small stones or pebbles
  • Red paint or permanent marker
  • White paint or permanent marker
  • Black paint or permanent marker
  • Paintbrush


  1. Begin by painting or drawing a small, simple cross onto each of the stones or pebbles. Allow the paint to dry completely.

  2. Once the crosses are dry, use the red paint or marker to write "woe" onto each stone, referencing the "woe to you" statements made by Jesus in Matthew 23.

  3. Use the white paint or marker to write the specific "woe" statements onto each stone. For example, one stone could have "woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you lock people out of the kingdom of heaven" written on it.

  4. Finally, use the black paint or marker to outline the letters and crosses, making them stand out against the stone.

  5. Once the paint is dry, display the stones in a prominent location as a reminder of Jesus’ warning to the Pharisees and a call to avoid hypocrisy in our own lives.

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