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“New Creation Necklace” – a 2 Corinthians 5 Craft.

New Creation Necklace – a 2 Corinthians 5 Craft

Supplies Needed:

  • Various beads in different colors and sizes
  • String or wire
  • Scissors
  • Clasp


  1. Cut a length of string or wire to your desired necklace length.
  2. Begin stringing beads onto the string or wire in any pattern you like.
  3. As you add each bead, reflect on the idea of a new creation and how God is making all things new according to 2 Corinthians 5.
  4. Continue adding beads until you reach the desired length.
  5. Attach the clasp to the ends of the string or wire to complete the necklace.
  6. Wear your New Creation Necklace as a reminder of God’s transformative power in your life and the promise of a new creation.


  • Add a charm or pendant with a cross or other Christian symbol to further personalize your necklace.
  • Share the craft with friends and discuss the idea of new creation and what it means in your lives.

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