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Melchizedekian Masterpiece – a Hebrews 7 Craft

Melchizedekian Masterpiece – a Hebrews 7 Craft


  • Paper
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Colored pencils/markers


  1. Fold the paper in half to create a card.
  2. On the front of the card, draw a picture of Melchizedek (a king who appears in the book of Genesis and is mentioned in Hebrews 7).
  3. On the inside of the card, write out Hebrews 7:1-3, which describes Melchizedek as a "priest of God Most High" who "had no mother or father or genealogy" and was "like the Son of God."
  4. Cut out a small triangle and glue it to the top of the card to create a crown for Melchizedek.
  5. Use colored pencils or markers to decorate the card with symbols of God’s greatness, such as stars or a rainbow.


If you want to take this craft to the next level, consider adding some of the following elements:

  • Embellish the front of the card with gold or silver accents to represent the richness and majesty of Melchizedek’s priesthood.
  • Add a small bag of spices (such as frankincense or myrrh) to the card as a reminder of the gifts presented to Jesus by the Magi, who were also kings.
  • Use calligraphy or other fancy handwriting techniques to write out the Bible verses on the inside of the card.

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