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“Living Stones” – a 1 Peter 2 Craft

Living Stones Craft

Materials Needed:

  • Rocks (various sizes)
  • Paint (various colors)
  • Paintbrushes
  • Permanent markers
  • Glue


  1. Begin by reading 1 Peter 2 from the Bible.

  2. Collect rocks of various shapes and sizes.

  3. Paint the rocks with various colors, patterns, and designs. Allow the paint to dry completely.

  4. Use permanent markers to write words or phrases from 1 Peter 2 on the rocks. Some ideas include "chosen," "royal priesthood," "living stones," and "God’s own possession."

  5. Arrange the rocks in a way that resembles a structure or building. Consider adding glue to hold the rocks in place.

  6. Display the "Living Stones" craft in a prominent place as a reminder of the powerful message found in 1 Peter 2.

This craft serves as a great visual reminder that as believers, we are part of something bigger than ourselves. We are called to be living stones, built on the foundation of Christ, and working together to bring glory to God.

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