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Light of the World Candle – a John 9 Craft

Light of the World Candle – a John 9 Craft

Materials Needed:

  • White candle
  • Yellow and black permanent markers
  • Small glass votive holder
  • Bible or printed copy of John 9


  1. Begin by reading John 9 from the Bible or a printed copy.
  2. Use the yellow permanent marker to draw a small flame at the top of the white candle.
  3. Below the flame, use the black permanent marker to write "Light of the World" on the candle.
  4. Place the candle inside the small glass votive holder.
  5. When you light the candle, remember the story of John 9 and how Jesus healed the blind man, bringing light into his life just as the candle brings light into the room.

Optional Additions:

  • Decorate the glass votive holder with additional markers, stickers, or paint.
  • Attach a small tag or note that reads "John 9" to the candle as a reminder of the story.

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