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Joyful Pressings – a Philippians 3 Craft

Joyful Pressings – a Philippians 3 Craft

Supplies Needed:

  • Bible
  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Paint or markers
  • Flower press
  • Glue or tape


  1. Read Philippians 3 in your Bible.
  2. Choose a favorite verse or phrase from the chapter and write it on a piece of paper with a pencil.
  3. Decorate the paper with paint or markers.
  4. Place your decorated paper in a flower press and press it for a few days until it is dry.
  5. Take out the pressed paper and cut it into a shape that represents joy to you (such as a heart, star, or flower).
  6. Glue or tape your Joyful Pressing onto a piece of cardstock or a canvas.
  7. Hang or display your Joyful Pressing somewhere where you will see it often and be reminded of the joy found in Christ.


As you create your Joyful Pressing, reflect on the message of Philippians 3. Consider the ways in which you can press on towards the goal of knowing Christ better and living a life that brings glory to Him. Think about how you can cultivate joy in your life, even in difficult circumstances, by keeping your focus on the hope and promise found in Christ.

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