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Joyful Chains – a Philippians 1 Craft

Joyful Chains – a Philippians 1 Craft


  • Colored paper or cardstock
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Hole punch
  • Ribbon or string
  • Printed copies of Philippians 1:3-6


  1. Cut the colored paper or cardstock into strips approximately 1 inch wide.
  2. Using the hole punch, make a hole at each end of each strip.
  3. Cut out the printed copies of Philippians 1:3-6 into small rectangles.
  4. Glue one Philippians 1:3-6 rectangle onto each strip in the middle.
  5. Thread the ribbon or string through the holes of each strip, connecting them all together.
  6. Hang the Joyful Chains in a visible place to remind yourself of the joy and love expressed in Philippians 1:3-6.


As you create your Joyful Chains, take time to reflect on the words of Philippians 1:3-6. Consider the ways that God has been faithful to you and how you can express gratitude for this faithfulness. Think about the people in your life who have brought you joy and encouragement, and consider ways to show them love and appreciation. As you hang your Joyful Chains, let them serve as a reminder of the joy and love that comes from God and the blessings that surround you.

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