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Heavenly Homes – a 1 Timothy 3 Craft

Heavenly Homes – a 1 Timothy 3 Craft

Materials Needed

  • Wooden birdhouse or small cardboard box
  • Paint or markers
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Popsicle sticks
  • Feathers
  • Small plastic jewels or beads
  • Bible verse card with 1 Timothy 3:2-5 printed on it


  1. Begin by painting or coloring your birdhouse or cardboard box. You can use any colors you like, but try to make it look heavenly and peaceful.
  2. Once your paint or markers have dried, use glue to attach popsicle sticks to the front of the birdhouse or box. You can make them into a cross or any shape you like.
  3. Decorate your house with small plastic jewels or beads. You can also add feathers to make it look more ornate and special.
  4. Print out a Bible verse card with 1 Timothy 3:2-5 on it. Cut it out and glue it to the back of your birdhouse or box.
  5. Once your glue is dry, your Heavenly Home is complete! Display it in your room or give it as a gift to someone special.

Bible Verse

Here is the Bible verse that inspired this craft:

"Therefore an overseer must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not a drunkard, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. He must manage his own household well, with all dignity keeping his children submissive, for if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for God’s church?" – 1 Timothy 3:2-5

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