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Harvesting Hope – a Luke 10 Craft

Harvesting Hope – a Luke 10 Craft


  • Small terracotta pots
  • Soil
  • Flower or herb seeds
  • Paint or markers
  • Paintbrushes or pens
  • Luke 10:2 printouts (optional)


  1. Have each person paint or draw a symbol of hope on their terracotta pot. This could be a cross, a heart, a sun, or whatever inspires them.
  2. Fill each pot with soil.
  3. Plant the seeds in the soil and water them.
  4. Optional: print out Luke 10:2 ("The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.") and place them near the pots as a reminder to pray for workers to bring hope to those in need.
  5. Place the pots in a sunny location and watch the seeds grow.


  • Ask participants to share the symbols they chose and why.
  • Discuss the importance of hope in our lives and how we can bring hope to others.
  • Talk about the meaning of Luke 10:2 and how we can pray for workers to share hope with those in need.

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