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Generosity Gourd – a Matthew 25 Craft

Generosity Gourd – a Matthew 25 Craft


  • Small pumpkin or gourd
  • Carving tools (such as a knife or pumpkin carving kit)
  • Markers or paint
  • Small slips of paper
  • Pen or pencil


  1. Begin by carving out the top of the pumpkin or gourd and scooping out the insides.
  2. Using the markers or paint, decorate the outside of the pumpkin or gourd with words and phrases that relate to generosity, such as "give," "helping hands," "kindness," and "sharing."
  3. On the slips of paper, write down different ways to show generosity, such as "donate to a charity," "volunteer at a shelter," or "give a compliment to someone."
  4. Fold up the slips of paper and place them inside the pumpkin or gourd.
  5. Encourage family members or friends to take turns picking out a slip of paper and committing to perform the act of generosity written on it.
  6. Display the Generosity Gourd in a prominent location as a reminder to always be generous and kind to others, just as it says in Matthew 25:40: "And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’"

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