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Galatians Glory – a 2 Craft

Galatians Glory – a 2 Craft


  • White paper
  • Colored pencils or markers
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Ribbon or string


  1. Cut a piece of white paper into a rectangle shape.
  2. Divide the rectangle into two sections, making sure one section is slightly smaller than the other.
  3. In the larger section, write the word "Galatians" at the top and "Chapter 2" underneath it.
  4. In the smaller section, draw a picture of the apostle Paul holding a Bible.
  5. Use colored pencils or markers to decorate the rest of the paper with symbols of faith such as crosses, doves or fish.
  6. Cut out the entire rectangle and fold it in half vertically.
  7. Glue the two halves together, making sure to leave the smaller section on top.
  8. Punch a hole at the top of the smaller section and tie a ribbon or string through it to create a bookmark.


As you create this craft, reflect on the message of Galatians 2. Consider the importance of faith over works and how we are saved through Christ alone. As you use this bookmark in your daily reading, let it remind you of the glory of God’s grace and the freedom we have in Christ.

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