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Friendship Knots – a Romans 16 Craft

Friendship Knots – a Romans 16 Craft


Romans 16 is a chapter in the Bible that gives a list of people who were important in the early church. These people had different roles, but they all had one thing in common: they were all friends of Paul.

In this craft, we will make friendship knots to remind us of the importance of friendship in our lives.

Materials Needed

  • Colored embroidery floss or yarn
  • Scissors


  1. Cut three strands of embroidery floss or yarn, each about 12 inches long.
  2. Tie the three strands together in a knot at one end.
  3. Separate the strands so that one is on the left, one is in the middle, and one is on the right.
  4. Take the strand on the left and cross it over the middle strand, making a loop.
  5. Take the strand on the right and cross it over the middle strand, making a loop in the opposite direction.
  6. Take the strand on the left and bring it behind the middle strand and up through the loop on the right side.
  7. Take the strand on the right and bring it behind the middle strand and up through the loop on the left side.
  8. Pull both strands tight to form a knot.
  9. Repeat steps 4-8 until the friendship knot is the desired length.
  10. Tie the strands together in a knot at the other end.


Just like the strands in our friendship knots, we all have different roles to play in our friendships. However, just like Paul’s friends in Romans 16, we all have one important thing in common: we are friends. Let’s cherish our friendships and be thankful for the people in our lives who support us and love us.

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