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“Faithful Vessels” – a Titus 1 Craft

"Faithful Vessels" – a Titus 1 Craft

Supplies Needed:

  • Clay or Play-dough
  • Small bowls or containers
  • Paint or markers
  • Bible verses printed or written on cards or paper


  1. Begin by reading Titus 1 from the Bible with your group.
  2. Invite each person to mold a vessel out of clay or play-dough, representing themselves as vessels of God.
  3. While the vessels are drying, have each person select a Bible verse from Titus 1 that speaks to them personally, and write or print it on a card or piece of paper.
  4. Once the vessels are dry, have each person paint or decorate their vessel as they see fit.
  5. Place the vessels in the small bowls or containers, and place the Bible verse cards next to them.
  6. Encourage everyone to take their vessel and Bible verse home with them as a reminder of their role as a faithful vessel of God.

Discussion Questions:

  • What does it mean to be a "faithful vessel" of God?
  • How can we strive to be faithful vessels in our daily lives?
  • What are some Bible verses that encourage us to be faithful vessels?

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