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Faithful Threads – a Hebrews 11 Craft

Faithful Threads – A Hebrews 11 Craft


Hebrews 11 is known as the "Hall of Faith" and is a powerful reminder of the many faithful men and women who have gone before us. This craft will help you to remember their stories and inspire you to live a life of faith.

Materials Needed

  • A piece of fabric
  • Embroidery thread in various colors
  • Embroidery needle
  • Scissors
  • Printed template of the word "FAITH" in Hebrew (available online)


  1. Print out the Hebrew word "FAITH" template and cut it out.
  2. Place the template onto the fabric and trace around it with a pen or pencil.
  3. Using embroidery thread, stitch the outline of the letters. You can use any color you like.
  4. Once the outline is complete, fill in the letters with a different color thread. Again, choose any color you like.
  5. Using your embroidery needle, weave a cross through the letter "T" in the word "FAITH".
  6. On each side of the word "FAITH", stitch a silhouette of a person in the pose of your choice. These silhouettes represent the faithful men and women of Hebrews 11.
  7. Lastly, add any additional embroidery or decoration you like to personalize your creation.


Faithful Threads is a beautiful reminder of the faithful men and women of Hebrews 11 who lived by faith, not by sight. Hang it on your wall or give it as a gift to inspire others to live a life of faith.

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