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Faithful Disciple Bracelet – a 2 Timothy 2 Craft

Faithful Disciple Bracelet – a 2 Timothy 2 Craft

The book of 2 Timothy is a letter from the Apostle Paul to his disciple Timothy, encouraging him to continue in his faith and to pass on the gospel message to others. In chapter 2, Paul uses several metaphors to describe what it means to be a faithful disciple of Jesus. One of those metaphors is that of a soldier, who must endure hardship and follow orders from his commanding officer.

To make a Faithful Disciple Bracelet, you will need:

  • A length of paracord or other sturdy string
  • Small beads in different colors
  • A charm with a cross or other religious symbol
  • Scissors and glue (optional)


  1. Cut a length of paracord or string that is long enough to wrap around your wrist twice. Tie a knot at one end, leaving a few inches of extra string.

  2. Thread the beads onto the string in the following order, repeating the pattern until you have used all of the beads:

  • Red bead: Represents the blood of Christ, shed for our sins.
  • White bead: Represents purity and forgiveness of sins.
  • Blue bead: Represents baptism and new life in Christ.
  • Green bead: Represents growth and maturity in faith.
  • Yellow bead: Represents the light of Christ shining in us.
  • Black bead: Represents the trials and hardships we face as disciples.
  1. After you have threaded all of the beads, tie another knot at the end of the string. Trim any excess string.

  2. Attach the charm to the center of the bracelet using a jump ring or small piece of string. You can also use glue to secure it in place.

  3. Wear your Faithful Disciple Bracelet as a reminder of the metaphor of the soldier in 2 Timothy 2, and the call to endure hardship and follow Christ faithfully.

May we all be like the "soldiers" of Christ, and wear our Faithful Disciple Bracelets with pride and faith!

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