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“Faithful Builders” – a Hebrews 3 Craft.

"Faithful Builders" – a Hebrews 3 Craft

Materials Needed:

  • Popsicle sticks
  • Glue
  • Paint or markers
  • Small rocks or pebbles


  1. Begin by reading Hebrews 3 from the Bible. Talk about how God is the ultimate builder and how we are called to build our lives on a foundation of faith in Him.

  2. Start building your "Faithful Builders" craft by taking two Popsicle sticks and gluing them together in the shape of a cross. This will be the base of your craft.

  3. Take four more Popsicle sticks and glue them on top of the base, two on each side. This will create the walls of your house.

  4. Use paint or markers to decorate your house. You can make it look like a traditional house or get creative and make it unique!

  5. Once your house is decorated, take small rocks or pebbles and glue them to the base of the house. This represents the foundation that we are called to build our lives on.

  6. As you work on your craft, talk about how important it is to have a strong foundation of faith in God. Just like a house needs a solid foundation to stand strong, we need to have faith in God to help us stand strong when life gets tough.

  7. Once your "Faithful Builders" craft is complete, display it as a reminder of God’s faithfulness and our call to build our lives on Him.


This "Faithful Builders" craft is a great way to teach children about the importance of building our lives on a foundation of faith in God. It is a fun and creative way to engage kids in learning about the Bible and how to apply its teachings to their daily lives.

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