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Bountifully Creative – a Titus 3 Craft

Bountifully Creative – a Titus 3 Craft

Materials Needed:

  • Small canvas or cardboard
  • Acrylic paints
  • Paintbrushes
  • Stencils or stickers
  • Markers


  1. Begin by reading Titus 3 in the Bible.
  2. Reflect on the message of the chapter, which emphasizes the importance of living a productive and kind life as a believer.
  3. Using acrylic paints, create a background on your canvas or cardboard that reflects the theme of productive and kind living. This could include colorful swirls, shapes, or patterns.
  4. Allow the background to dry completely.
  5. Place stencils or stickers on the canvas that relate to the message of Titus 3. This could include words or phrases like "productivity," "kindness," "good works," or "love."
  6. Using markers, fill in the stenciled or stickered words with bright colors that stand out against the background.
  7. Once the markers have dried, remove the stencils or stickers to reveal the message of your craft.
  8. Hang your finished piece in a prominent place as a reminder to live bountifully creative lives that reflect the message of Titus 3.

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