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Blessed Bead Bracelets – a Luke 6 Craft

Blessed Bead Bracelets – a Luke 6 Craft


  • Stretchy cord
  • Assorted beads in colors of your choice
  • Scissors
  • Clear nail polish or glue


  1. Begin by cutting a piece of stretchy cord to your desired length. It is recommended to measure your wrist and add an extra inch for a comfortable fit.
  2. Thread your beads onto the cord in your desired pattern or arrangement.
  3. Once all of your beads are threaded onto the cord, tie the ends of the cord together in a knot.
  4. Trim the ends of the cord, leaving about a half-inch of excess.
  5. Apply a small amount of clear nail polish or glue to the knot to secure it in place.
  6. Allow the nail polish or glue to dry completely before wearing your bracelet.
  7. As you wear your Blessed Bead Bracelet, let it serve as a daily reminder of Luke 6:38 – "Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

May your bracelet be a symbol of the blessings that come from giving generously and living in accordance with the teachings of Luke 6.

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