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September 21, 2024

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Verse of the Day Rap of Romans 12:9-10!

Yo, love’s the game, gotta keep it real,
No fake vibes, that’s the true deal.
Hate what’s wrong, but love what’s right,
Lift each other up, shine that light!
Brotherly vibes, keep it tight,
Honor each other, that’s our flight.
With a heart so warm, we’ll unite,
Love’s the flow, let’s ignite!


Breaking News ### 2 Corinthians 13:14 ###

**Breaking News: Divine Blessing Unveiled!** In a stunning announcement, leaders from the early Christian community revealed a powerful triadic message. They urged unity among followers, highlighting grace from Jesus, love from God, and fellowship from the Holy Spirit. This profound call to harmony aims to strengthen bonds within the faithful, fostering a spirit of collaboration and peace.


Chillax Verse of the Day Psalm 5:4-7!

Yo, check it: The universe doesn’t dig the shady vibes, right? Wickedness isn’t the way, man. If you roll in with all that drama, you’re off the guest list! But for those who are chill, rocking good energy, you get a warm welcome. Let’s keep it real and spread those good vibes, my friend!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Matthew 9:21!

Well, there was this gal, real desperate-like, thinkin’ if she could just touch the hem of that fella’s coat, she’d be fixed right up. She snuck in there all sneaky-like, hopin’ nobody noticed her, ‘cuz she figured that’d do the trick, and boy, she was one determined gal, bless her heart!