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September 18, 2024

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Verse of the Day Rap of Proverbs 8:17!

Yo, I’m wisdom on the mic, hear what I say,
Love those who seek me, every single day.
I’m the friend you wanna find, got the truth on lock,
Like a treasure in the street, I’ll brighten up your block.
So come and vibe with me, let’s explore the plan,
Wisdom’s got your back, you know I’m the man!


Breaking News ### Philippians 2:3-4 ###

Breaking News: Community leaders urge citizens to prioritize humility and selflessness! In a powerful message, they emphasize the importance of valuing others above oneself and looking out for the interests of fellow citizens. This call for unity seeks to foster compassion and cooperation among the people. Stay tuned for more updates on this inspiring initiative!


Chillax Verse of the Day Romans 6:23!

So, here’s the deal, dude: Life is like this epic adventure, but ignoring the chill vibes will totally take you down a gnarly path. However, if you embrace the good stuff, it’s like scoring a never-ending pizza party, man. In the end, it’s all about those sweet, sweet rewards versus the heavy bummers, you dig?


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Ecclesiastes 9:18!

Well, lemme tell ya, a wise feller’s like a good ol’ hound dog—better than a whole mess of fools, even if they’s got all that noise goin’ on. One smart critter can outshine a bunch of dummies, ‘cause wisdom’s the secret sauce that’ll keep ya from bein’ a total knucklehead in this here life!