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September 15, 2024

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Verse of the Day Rap of 1 Corinthians 13:4!

Yo, love ain’t jealous, it’s cool,
Ain’t boastin’ like a fool,
Patient vibes, never rude,
Happiness is the mood!
It don’t hold a grudge or frown,
Liftin’ you up, never knockin’ you down.
So spread the love, keep it real,
In this game, it’s the ultimate deal!
Peace and kindness, that’s the seal!


Breaking News ### 1 John 4:16 ###

**Breaking News: Love Confirmed as Central Tenet!**

In a stunning declaration, a prominent source reveals, “God is love.” This profound message indicates that anyone who embraces love is in unity with the divine. Experts recommend fostering this connection, suggesting that true authenticity lies in experiencing and sharing love. Stay tuned as experts explore further implications of this revelation!


Chillax Verse of the Day John 15:17-19!

Yo, listen up! Jesus is all like, “Chill with each other, love is the vibe! Remember, the world doesn’t get us ‘cause we’re not like them. They’re like, ‘What’s up with these vibes?’ But we’re just riding this cosmic connection, man. Keep it groovy and don’t let the haters bring you down! Peace out!”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Corinthians 9:15!

Well, lemme tell ya, I ain’t braggin’ or nothin’, but I ain’t askin’ for nuthin’ in return fer preachin’ the good word. I’m happier than a pig in mud just doin’ my thing with no strings attached! Can’t put a price on it—this here gospel is just too good to keep to myself, y’know?