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September 14, 2024

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Verse of the Day Rap of Isaiah 43:4!

Yo, listen up, I got a story to tell,
You’re priceless to me, can’t you tell?
In the crowd, you stand out,
No doubt, that’s what it’s about!
When the heat’s on, I’m your shield,
In this crazy life, love’s the real deal.
So chill, you’re my gem, that’s the score,
Isaiah knew it first: you’re worth much more!


Breaking News ### Philippians 2:1-2 ###

**Breaking News: Community Unity Encouraged!**
In a heartfelt message to the Philippians, leaders urge followers to cultivate harmony and compassion. They emphasize the importance of selflessness and teamwork, calling for unity in spirit and purpose. This timely reminder aims to strengthen bonds among believers, fostering a supportive environment where everyone’s needs are prioritized. Stay tuned for updates!


Chillax Verse of the Day Romans 1:16!

Yo, check it! I’m totally stoked to share this vibe, ‘cause it’s all about spreading those good feels. Like, no matter where you’re at, I’m down to shout my message! It’s all about being real and celebrating what’s awesome. So let’s embrace the goodness, people—it’s for everyone and it’s totally epic! Peace out!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Corinthians 9:14!

Well now, just like them preachers gotta eat, y’know? The Big Guy up top made sure folks who spread His word get fed too! So, if you’re out there preachin’ and teachin’, don’t be shy about collectin’ some grub. Ain’t no shame in fillin’ yer belly while you’re fillin’ their souls! Pass the biscuits!