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September 11, 2024

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Verse of the Day Rap of 1 Corinthians 13:4-5!

Yo, love’s patient, love’s kind,
Doesn’t brag, keeps it refined.
Ain’t jealous, keeps it cool,
Not rude, ‘cause that’s just a fool.
It don’t shout or keep score,
Always looking for more.
In the game, love’s the boss,
Never stressing, never cross!
So spread that love, let it flow,
In this rap, now you know!


Breaking News ### Psalm 121:1-2 ###

**Breaking News: A Call for Help!**

In a stunning revelation, a fervent seeker declared, “I lift my eyes to the mountains! Where will my help come from?” Reliable sources confirm: “My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” This profound declaration emphasizes faith in divine assistance amid challenges, resonating with communities far and wide. Stay tuned!


Chillax Verse of the Day Phillipians 3:8-11!

Dude, all that fancy stuff? Totally not worth it compared to the epic chill of knowing the good vibes of the cosmic dude, you know? I’d trade it all just to vibe with Him, suffer a bit, and aim for that rad promised life after, where everything’s way more blissful and enlightened, man!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 2 Corinthians 9:11!

Well, y’all, when ya share them good things, it ain’t just about givin’ back, it’s also ‘bout spreadin’ joy! God’s gonna fill yer pockets an’ make yer heart sing like a bird on a summer day. So go on, share them blessings like pie at a family reunion—there’s always more where that came from!