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July 27, 2024

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Verse of the Day Rap of John 15:3!

Listen up, my friends, here’s the deal
Jesus said, “I’m the real deal”
You gotta stay connected to me
Just like a branch to a tree
If you wanna bear fruit, be wise
Stay in me, it’s no surprise
Cleanse with my word, no need to stress
Stay in me, and you’ll be blessed


Breaking News ### ###

Breaking News: From the Bible

In a stunning revelation, ancient texts unveil the creation story of the world. The heavens and the earth were formed by the power of words alone. Light conquered darkness, bringing forth life and beauty. All humanity traced back to one man, Adam, and one woman, Eve. The beginning of time now revealed in sacred scriptures.


Chillax Verse of the Day Peter 2:11-12!

Yo, like, don’t be shady, my dudes. Stay woke and keep it real, like, all the time. Spread love, not hate, and, like, always have each other’s backs. The universe is watching, man, so, like, be chill and live your best life. Peace out, brah.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day John 7:27!

John done sayin’ he know where I’m from, but hey, they reckon they know where he from too. We all waitin’ to see what that mean. Mebbe he gonna bust outta here like a mystery man. Ain’t no tellin’ with that Jesus feller!