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July 15, 2024

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Verse of the Day Rap of 2 Timothy 2:7!

Listen up, Timothy, hear what I say,
Gotta study and learn every single day,
Don’t be lazy, don’t be slack,
Keep your mind sharp, stay on track,
God’s wisdom is key, so you can be bold,
And spread his message, let it unfold.


Breaking News ### James 1:21 ###

Breaking News: James 1:21 urges readers to rid themselves of all moral filth and evil in order to accept the word planted in them, which can save their souls. This powerful message encourages individuals to cleanse their hearts and minds to be open and receptive to the teachings of God. Stay tuned for more updates on this scripture.


Chillax Verse of the Day John 5:9!

So like, Jesus was all, “Yo dude, get up and like, take your mat and walk.” And this cat just totally obeyed, no questions asked. And then everyone was buggin’ out like, “What the heck just happened?” It was like, mind-blowing, man. Just straight up miraculous, you know?


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Mark 7:15!

Jesus done told them folks straight up, ain’t nothin’ you put in your mouth gonna make you dirty. It’s what’s comin’ outta your heart that gets you in trouble. So watch yer words, y’all, ’cause they reveal what’s really inside ya. Keep it clean, now, ya hear?