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July 8, 2024

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Verse of the Day Rap of 1 Timothy 4:13!

Yo listen up, here’s some advice,
In the book of Timothy, chapter four, verse thirteen, nice.
Don’t be slippin’, keep on preachin’,
Read the word, keep on teachin’.
Don’t be lazy, don’t be lame,
Keep on spittin’ fire in Jesus’ name!


Breaking News ### Psalm 138:2 ###

Top story: Psalm 138:2 reveals God’s faithfulness and steadfast love. In a world full of uncertainty, this verse serves as a reminder of His unwavering commitment to His people. Tune in for more updates on this powerful message of hope and assurance. #BreakingNews #GodsFaithfulness #Psalm138:2


Chillax Verse of the Day Romans 14:10!

Yo, like, everyone’s gonna stand before the big man upstairs at the end of the day, you know what I’m saying? So, like, don’t judge your bro or sis, cuz we all gonna have to answer for our own actions. Let’s just focus on living in peace and love, man. Peace out.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Ezekiel 7:8!

And lo, the Lord done reckon’t, “I reckon it’s time for reckonin’. I’m fixin’ to unleash some fury on y’all sinners. Ain’t no hollerin’ or hootin’ gonna save ya. Time’s up, no more foolin’ around. Hellfire and brimstone’s a-comin’, so y’all better git right with me now!”