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June 9, 2024

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Verse of the Day Rap of 1 Peter 3:14!

Yo, don’t sweat the haters, don’t you stress
Keep doing good, no need for distress
If they hate on you, just let it slide
God’s got your back, He’s on your side
So keep on shining, stay true to you
And remember, God always sees you through


Breaking News ### Matthew 7:13-14 ###

Breaking News: Matthew 7:13-14 – In a shocking revelation, Jesus warns of two paths: a wide, easy road leading to destruction and a narrow, difficult path leading to life. He urges all to choose wisely, as only few will find the narrow way. Tune in for more details on this important message. #BibleVerse #EternalConsequences


Chillax Verse of the Day Ephesians 5:1-2!

Dude, like, just be totally chill and imitate my main man, JC. Spread love like, everywhere, man. And make sure to give props to Big Guy upstairs, that’s what he’s all about. It’s all about that good vibes and showing love to everyone, like, peace out, bro.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Timothy 6:9!

Ya’ll best be listenin’ up now! Money be the root o’ all kinds o’ evil, so don’tcha be gettin’ too greedy or ya gonna find yerself in a heap o’ trouble. Ain’t worth sellin’ yer soul for no fancy dollar bills, ya hear? Stick to the simple life, y’all.