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May 29, 2024

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Verse of the Day Rap of Exodus 18:13-26!

Moses’ father-in-law came to say, “Hey!
You work too hard, let’s change the play!
You can’t do this alone, my bro,
Delegate and let the people flow!
Set up some peeps to lead the way,
So you can have more time to play!”


Breaking News ### Psalm 103:17-18 ###

BREAKING: In a stunning revelation, Psalm 103:17-18 declares that the Lord’s love and faithfulness are for those who fear Him and keep His covenant. His mercy extends to generations who follow His commands. Stay tuned for more updates on this timeless message of hope and promise from the scriptures. #Psalm103 #BreakingNews


Chillax Verse of the Day Hebrews 1:8!

Yo man, check it: in Hebrews 1:8, the Big Guy upstairs is like, “Hey, JC, you’re my main dude. I’m hookin’ you up with all the power and glory, ’cause you’re the boss. So just keep doin’ your thing, spreadin’ those good vibes and rockin’ that righteous ‘stache.” Amen, brother. Groovy.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Acts 5:29!

Well gol-darn, we ain’t gonna be listenin’ to what them big-wigs tell us to do! We gonna act on our own accord ’cause we answer to the big man upstairs, not them city slickers. So y’all can take yer rules and stick ’em where the sun don’t shine! Yeehaw!