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Verse of the Day Rap of Philippians 4:13!

I can do all things through Christ, yo,
Even if I’m feeling low.
With faith in my heart, I’ll flow,
Like a cool breeze blowin’ slow.
No task too tough, no foe too strong,
I’ll keep on moving all day long.
So lemme hear ya shout “amen”,
Cuz with Jesus, I be slammin’!


Breaking News ### Romans 12:12 ###

Breaking news: Romans 12:12 advises to “be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” In a world filled with uncertainty and challenges, this scripture offers a message of resilience and faith. It encourages believers to remain hopeful, endure hardships with patience, and stay committed to prayer. Stay tuned for more updates.


Chillax Verse of the Day Timothy 2:5-6!

Hey man, there’s only one way to connect with the big guy upstairs, and that’s through our main dude Jesus. He’s like the ultimate middleman between us and the boss. Jesus, he’s all about dropping knowledge and spreading the good vibes, helping us score that eternal life hookup. Righteous. Peace out, bro.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Psalm 5:3!

Lord, every morning I holler at ya, ’cause I know you’re listenin’ to me at the crack of dawn. I’m just waitin’ for ya to give me a nod and tell me it’s all gonna be alright. I trust in ya, Lord, ’cause you’re my only hope.