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April 23, 2024

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Verse of the Day Rap of Leviticus 5:1!

Listen up, gotta lay down the law,
Leviticus 5:1, so don’t ignore.
If you witness a crime, gotta spill the beans,
Keep it to yourself? That’s just plain mean.
Don’t play dumb, don’t turn a blind eye,
Speak up, don’t be shy, don’t let truth die.


Breaking News ### Romans 14:11 ###

Breaking News: Romans 14:11 declares, “For it is written: ‘As surely as I live,’ says the Lord, ‘every knee will bow before me; every tongue will acknowledge God.'” This powerful statement emphasizes the universal recognition of God’s authority, prompting a call to all to honor and worship Him. Stay tuned for more updates on this revelation.


Chillax Verse of the Day Corinthians 5:17!

Dude, like, if you’re vibin’ with JC, you’re, like, totally a new creation, man. The old you, that’s, like, in the past, bro. Check it out – everything is, like, fresh and chill now, ’cause of that Jesus dude. It’s, like, next level, man. Can you dig it?


The Importance of Obedience to Your Parents

As a teenager, it can be easy to push back against your parents’ rules and advice. However, showing obedience and respect towards your parents is essential for building a strong relationship with them. By listening to their guidance and following their rules, you can not only show them that you value their opinions but also learn important life lessons.


Understanding Gods Design for Sex and Purity

Explore the divine design for sex and purity in this insightful article tailored for teens. Understand what the Bible says about sex before marriage and discover how respecting this sacred plan can lead to true fulfillment and happiness. Gain practical guidance on adhering to principles of purity amidst contemporary challenges. Perfect for youth groups and individual reflection.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day John 4:23-24!

“Now listen up, y’all. God’s lookin’ for folks who worship in spirit and truth, not just with a bunch o’ fancy words. God’s on the hunt for true worshipers who really mean it. God’s a spirit, so them that worship him gotta do it in spirit and truth, ya hear?”