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April 21, 2024

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Verse of the Day Rap of Ezekiel 36:1-38!

Yo listen up, I got a story to tell
About a valley of dry bones, oh what the hell
God said to Ezekiel, “Prophesy to the bones”
Then they all came together, muscle and skin, home sweet home
Now they’re all alive, thanks to God’s plan
He’s the real MVP, that’s the gospel of Ezekiel, man!


Breaking News ### John 10:28-30 ###

Breaking News: John 10:28-30
In a shocking revelation, Jesus declares, “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. I and the Father are one.” More details to follow.


Chillax Verse of the Day John 5:10-12!

So, like, in John 5:10-12, dude, Jesus is all like, “Yo, pick up your mat and carry it around, bro.” And the other guy’s like, “But it’s the Sabbath, man!” And Jesus is just like, “Chill, dude, it’s all good. I’m just trying to help you out, you know?”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 John 4:21!

“Anybody who loves God should also love their kinfolk. There ain’t no way ’round it – us’n folk can’t love God and hate our brothers and sisters. So y’all better start showin’ some love to your neighbors if you wanna please the good Lord up yonder.”