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April 10, 2024

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Verse of the Day Rap of Mark 11:25!

Yo, forgive others, God’s advice to you
If you want your prayers to come through
So let go of that grudge, don’t hold on tight
‘Cause forgiveness is key to living in the light
So next time someone makes you real mad
Just remember this verse and don’t stay so bad


Breaking News ### Romans 5:6-8 ###

“Breaking News: Romans 5:6-8 reveals that at the right time, Christ died for the ungodly. This demonstrates God’s love for us, as even while we were still sinners, Christ sacrificed himself for our salvation. This unprecedented act of love is a testament to the depth of God’s compassion for all humankind.”


Chillax Verse of the Day John 10:26-28!

So, like, Jesus said to the dudes, “You don’t believe ‘coz you ain’t my sheep, yo. My sheep, they hear my voice and follow me, and I give ’em eternal life, man. They ain’t never gonna perish, and no one can snatch ’em outta my hand, bro.”