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April 8, 2024

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Verse of the Day Rap of Matthew 7:3!

Why you peepin’ at the speck in my eye
When your own eye got a whole log inside
You hypocrite, trying to point out my flaw
But you trippin’ on the same thing and even more
So before you start judging and throwing shade
Check yourself, cause you ain’t got it made!


Breaking News ### Romans 5:10 ###

Just In: Romans 5:10 – “For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.” This shocking revelation from the Bible underscores the power of reconciliation through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, offering hope and salvation to all believers.


The Triumph of Christ in the Final Days

As we age, it’s easy to feel discouraged by the challenges we face. But the final triumph of Christ, as described in Revelation 11:15-19, is a powerful reminder that God is ultimately in control. This passage offers hope and encouragement for seniors, reminding them that no matter what trials they may face, Christ will ultimately reign victorious in the end.


The Prophetic Ministry of the Two Witnesses

Are the two witnesses of Revelation 11 relevant to seniors? Absolutely. Their powerful prophetic ministry speaks to the importance of wisdom and experience in the Christian faith. As seniors, we can draw inspiration from their bold witness and commitment to sharing the truth, even in the most challenging times. Their example can encourage us to stand firm in our faith as we navigate our own unique journeys.


The Angel and the Little Book: A Message of Hope

Discover the message of hope found in Revelation 10 as we explore the significance of the Angel and the Little Book. This powerful passage offers comfort and encouragement, making it particularly relevant for seniors who may be seeking spiritual guidance during challenging times. Find inspiration and reassurance in the timeless message of hope found in this pivotal scripture.


The Sixth Trumpet: The Release of the Four Angels

In Revelation 9:13-21, the Sixth Trumpet is sounded, signaling the release of four angels. This passage serves as a powerful reminder that even in the end times, God remains in control. For seniors, it’s a comforting reassurance of God’s sovereignty and promises. It encourages them to remain steadfast in their faith, knowing that God’s plans will ultimately prevail.


Chillax Verse of the Day John 15:12!

“Hey man, JC said, ‘Love each other as I have loved you.’ That’s some deep stuff, right? Like, spread the love, bro, and be cool to one another. Let’s keep the good vibes flowing and show some love, man. It’s all about the love, dude.”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day James 4:7-8!

“Y’all gotta submit to God and resist that devil, ya hear? Draw near to God and he’ll come a-runnin’ to ya. Clean up that heart of yours, you double-minded critter. Ain’t no room for wishy-washy folks in God’s holler, I reckon.”