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March 30, 2024

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The Seventh Seal and the Silence in Heaven

As seniors delve into the book of Revelation, they may find the silence in heaven in Chapter 8 to be especially intriguing. The Seventh Seal represents a significant shift in the narrative, leading to a solemn and contemplative atmosphere. This portion of the text encourages seniors to reflect on the deeper spiritual implications of this pivotal moment in the Revelation narrative.


Verse of the Day Rap of Colossians 3:5-6!

Yo yo yo, put to death your earthly desires
No more greed or lust, that just ain’t wise
God’s wrath is coming, better get in line
Don’t be foolish, it’s just a matter of time
So take off that old self, put on Christ’s attire
And in heaven above, you’ll never expire!


Breaking News ### Isaiah 53:3-4 ###

“Breaking news: Isaiah 53:3-4 reports that the suffering servant will be despised and rejected by men, familiar with pain and grief. He will bear our sickness and carry our sorrows, yet we will consider him punished by God. This shocking prophecy has sparked debate and controversy among religious leaders. Stay tuned for more updates.”


Chillax Verse of the Day Romans 12:14!

“Hey, dude, like, be chill with those who are harshing your buzz. Always aim to spread good vibes, man. Bless those who bring you down, and don’t go starting any beef with anyone. Just keep on keepin’ on and stay mellow, bro. Peace out.”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day John 3:30!

Y’all need to let him become greater and let me become less. Just gotta step aside and let the Lord take the lead. It ain’t about me, it’s all about him. So I reckon I’ll just take a backseat and let the good Lord do his thang.