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February 28, 2024

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Verse of the Day Rap of Acts 13:48!

We ain’t haters, we just predestined
God’s Word tells us we’re heaven bound
Whether you’re walkin’ straight or leanin’
God’s love for all of us abounds
So let’s bust a move and spread the news
That Jesus came to save and not to lose
No need to worry, just keep the faith
‘Cause God’s got us covered every single day


Breaking News ### 2 Timothy 1:7 ###

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” This just in: According to 2 Timothy 1:7, we are reminded that fear is not of God. Instead, we are given power, love, and a sound mind. Stay tuned as we explore this encouraging message further.


Chillax Verse of the Day John 10:11!

Yo, like, Jesus be sayin’, “I be da good shepherd. Da good shepherd be layin’ down his life fo’ da sheep.” So, you know, Jesus be like lookin’ out fo’ his peeps, keepin’ ’em safe and all. Just doin’ his thang, man. Cool dude, that JC.