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February 25, 2024

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Verse of the Day Rap of Romans 3:10!

Yo, I got a verse for ya straight outta Romans,
Listen up, y’all, it’s gonna be a bombin’!
No one’s righteous, not a single soul,
We all mess up, that’s how it rolls.
But don’t worry, God’s got a plan,
Just trust in Him, and you’ll be a new man!


Breaking News ### Matthew 22:37-39 ###

Breaking News: Matthew 22:37-39
In a shocking revelation, Jesus declares the greatest commandment as loving God with all your heart, soul, and mind. Additionally, he instructs to love your neighbor as yourself. This powerful message is expected to have a ripple effect on religious doctrines and communities worldwide. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.


Doing Your Best for Jesus

As young children grow in their faith, it’s important to remind them that doing their best for Jesus means giving their all in everything they do. Ephesians 6:7 teaches us that our work should be done with a sincere heart, as if we were doing it for the Lord himself. Instilling this mindset early on will help set a strong foundation for a lifetime of service to Jesus.


Chillax Verse of the Day Joshua 24:14-15!

Yo, dudes, so, like, gotta make a choice, ya know? If you wanna chill with the universe, then like, choose to fully vibe with the big G. But if you’re more into doing your own thing, that’s cool too, just be ready for whatever comes your way, man. Peace out, bros.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day John 2:24-25!

“Now Jesus, he knowed all about folks, what was in ’em, and didn’t need nobody tellin’ ‘im. He didn’t trust nobody, cuz he knew how sneaky they was. But some folks believed in ‘im anyhow, even if he didn’t need their testimonials.”