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February 23, 2024

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Verse of the Day Rap of Acts 22:16!

Yo yo, listen up, it’s time to make a move
Gotta get baptized, gotta get in the groove
Wash away your sins, and get clean, you see
Call on the name of the Lord, that’s the key
So rise up, get ready to flip the script
Cuz water baptism’s the new way to get equipped


Breaking News ### Proverbs 14:22 ###

Breaking News: Proverbs 14:22 – “Do not those who plot evil go astray? But those who plan what is good find love and faithfulness.” This powerful biblical verse urges people to choose good over evil. It highlights the importance of kindness and honesty, emphasizing that those who do good will be rewarded with love and loyalty. #BibleVerse #GoodOverEvil


Chillax Verse of the Day Matthew 7:6!

Don’t waste your goods on those who don’t appreciate it, man. They’ll just toss it aside and step all over it. It’s like feeding your stash to a bunch of pigs, they’ll just trample it in the mud and not even care. Keep your good stuff for the true buds, dude.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Acts 2:23!

“Jeez, you darn skunks done killed Jesus by hangin’ him on that ol’ cross, just like God planned. But don’t fret none, ’cause God’s got some big things in store, y’all. He’s got a plan and it’s gonna blow y’all’s hillbilly minds, I tell ya what!”