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February 22, 2024

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Verse of the Day Rap of Acts 17:30!

Yo listen up, y’all gotta hear this rap,
God used to overlook ignorance, now that’s a trap,
He’s calling y’all to repent, changing your ways,
No more foolin’ around, it’s time to give Him praise,
So get on your knees, ask for His grace,
Don’t wait too long, turn to Him and embrace.


Breaking News ### 1 John 4:18 ###

Breaking news: 1 John 4:18 – “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear.” This verse from the Bible reassures believers that true love can overpower all fears. This message of hope and strength is spreading rapidly, bringing comfort and peace to many amidst uncertainty and anxiety. Stay tuned for more updates on this powerful message.


Chillax Verse of the Day Psalm 5:8-10!

Dude, you gotta chill and listen to this, “Lead me, Lord, in your righteousness because of my enemies; make your way straight before me. Not a word from their mouth can be trusted; their heart is filled with malice. Their throat is an open grave; with their tongues they tell lies. Dude, harsh vibes, but I trust in you.”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Isaiah 2:22!

“Y’all better quit puttin’ yer trust in man, ’cause he ain’t worth a hill o’ beans. Only the Lord’s gonna set things straight in the end. So quit actin’ high and mighty and start givin’ the good Lord yer due respect.”