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February 17, 2024

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Verse of the Day Rap of Romans 10:10!

Yo! Keep it real, confess with your mouth,
Believe in your heart, no need to doubt.
You’ll be saved, no need to stress,
Just trust in Jesus, he’s the best.

With your mouth, speak it loud,
In your heart, let it astound.
For with faith, you’ll get top billing,
And God’s love will keep on filling.


Breaking News ### Romans 8:35,37 ###

“In a stunning development, Romans 8:35,37 reveals that nothing can separate us from the love of God. Despite trials, distress, persecution, and even death, we are overwhelmingly victorious through Him who loves us. This news is bringing hope and encouragement to countless people facing difficult circumstances around the world. Stay tuned for more updates on this powerful message.”


Chillax Verse of the Day John 10:7-9!

So, like, I totally dig what Jesus said in John 10:7-9, man. He was all like, “I am the door, bros. If you wanna hang with me, you gotta go through me.” And then he was all, “Whoever vibes with me will be totally chill and have a rad life, no need to hustle for good times.” Word.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Isaiah 2:17-18!

“Th’ pride of man’ll be brought low, an’ th’ Lord alone will be exalted in that day. The idols they done made outta gold an’ silver will be cast away like a hot tater in the street, cuz they ain’t worth nothin’ when the Lord comes a-callin’.”