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January 20, 2024

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Verse of the Day Rap of John 3:16-18!

Yo, God loved the world, that’s no lie
He sent his Son and didn’t even ask why
Whoever believes in him won’t die
But have eternal life, no need to sigh

He didn’t come to judge, but to save
Believe in him, you won’t be a slave
So let’s spread love, don’t be a hater
Or else you’ll face God’s wrath, see you later!


Understanding the Belt of Truth

The belt of truth is an important concept for young children to understand. It represents the idea of being honest and reliable in their words and actions. Teaching children the importance of truthfulness and integrity early on can help them develop strong moral character and establish a solid foundation for their future relationships and decisions.


Breaking News ### James 1:2-3 ###

“Breaking news: James 1:2-3 says to consider it pure joy when facing trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Stay tuned for more on this story of finding strength and resilience through difficult times.”


Chillax Verse of the Day Psalm 51:10!

“Yo dude, hook me up with a clean heart and renew a righteous spirit within me. I’m feelin’ a bit overwhelmed with all this negativity, ya know? I just wanna chill and vibe with some positive energy. Help a brotha out and get me back on the right track, ya feel me?”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Romans 1:20!

“Y’all look around, and you can’t help but see the handiwork of the Almighty Creator. Ain’t no excuse not to believe when you see the whole dadgum universe laid out in front of ya. It’s like a big ol’ sign pointin’ straight to God’s power and glory, no doubt about it!”