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January 9, 2024

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Verse of the Day Rap of Mark 4:16-28!

Yo, listen up, I got a story to tell
About a guy who sowed some seeds and oh, it went hell
Some fell on the path, birds snatched ’em away
Some on rocky ground, no roots, so they didn’t stay
But some on good soil, grew big and strong
So keep your heart fertile and you can’t go wrong!


Breaking News ### Matthew 6:19-21 ###

“Breaking news: Matthew 6:19-21 – Jesus warns, ‘Do not store up treasures on earth, but in heaven. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.’ Experts say this message challenges society’s materialistic values. Stay tuned for more updates on this thought-provoking teaching.”


Chillax Verse of the Day Matthew 5:16!

Dude, like, let your light shine, you know? Don’t like, hide it under a bowl or something, man. Just like, let everyone see how awesome you are and give some props to the Big Guy upstairs, okay? Keep on spreading those good vibes and making the world a chill place to be. Peace out, dude.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Colossians 1:9!

“Dear Lord, we been a-prayin’ fer y’all to git all the good smarts and know-how that comes from heaven. Open up them brains of yers so y’all kin understand and live right. Keep on a-givin’ us strength to keep on a-goin’ in this world. Amen.”