November 23, 2023

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Verse of the Day Rap of Genesis 2:7!

Now listen up, this is how it all began
God made man from dust, just like a big ol’ fan
He breathed into him, gave him life so cool
But don’t think you’re all that, remember you’re just a tool
So dust yourself off, and remember where you came from
Cause without God’s breath, you’d still be numb!


Breaking News ### Psalm 100:4-5 ###

“Breaking News: In a stunning announcement, Psalm 100:4-5 urges all to enter God’s presence with thanksgiving and praise. The public is encouraged to acknowledge the Lord’s goodness and everlasting love. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.”


Chillax Verse of the Day Corinthians 1:10!

“Don’t be all like friends with jerks who are all shady and sketchy, man. Be chill and kick it with people who are down with the same vibes as you, keeping it 100 and real, you know? Stay true to yourself, bro, and don’t be all caught up in that drama and negativity, dude.”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Thessalonians 5:16!

“Y’all just gotta be happy all the dang time, ain’t no room for no frownin’ round here! Reckon it’s the Lord’s will for ya to always be cheerin’ and smilin’, so don’t go gettin’ all grumpy on me now, y’hear? It’s in 1 Thessalonians 5:16, I ain’t just makin’ this up!”