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November 19, 2023

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Verse of the Day Rap of Matthew 19:4-6!

Yo listen up, let me tell ya a story,
Jesus said, “Haven’t you read in the book of glory,
In the beginning, it was just Adam and Eve,
They were chillin in Eden, no beef, no heave.
So what God brought together, don’t try to sever,
Marriage is legit, y’all, now that’s forever!”


Breaking News ### Psalm 1:1-2 ###

Breaking News: “Psalm 1:1-2” reveals the key to happiness and success. The ancient text urges people to avoid the advice of the wicked and sinful, and instead find joy in following the path of righteousness. Those who delight in the law of the Lord and meditate on it day and night will be blessed and prosperous.


Chillax Verse of the Day Romans 6:23!

“For wages of sin is a major bummer, man. But hey, check it out – gift of God is like, everlasting life, you dig? Through JC, our bro, we can score some serious eternal buzz, no joke. It’s like the ultimate high, dude. So, let’s stay rad and keep the faith, ya know?”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Psalm 68:3!

“Let them there righteous folk be a-rejoicin’, let ’em squawk with joy like a buncha roosters at sun-up. And let ’em give thanks to the good Lord up yonder, for he done laid the smackdown on them haters and sent ’em packin’ with their tails between their legs.”