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November 16, 2023

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Verse of the Day Rap of Proverbs 27:17!

Yo, listen up, fools
Here’s a rule for the crew
As iron sharpens iron
We gotta lift each other too
No time for hatin’
Or procrastinatin’
We gotta stick together
And keep motivatin’
So when you’re feelin’ low
Just know I got your back
Cuz we’re in this together
No need for any flack


Breaking News ### Psalm 119:18 ###

Breaking News: Psalm 119:18 – “Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law,” exclaimed in the ancient text, Biblical scholars discover. The verse is hailed as a call for divine illumination and understanding. This revelation has sparked discussions on the relevance of divine guidance in today’s world. Stay tuned for more updates.


Chillax Verse of the Day Romans 3:23-24!

We all mess up sometimes and fall short of being cool with the universe, but we can be made right with the universe by its kindness and generosity. It’s like when you accidentally drop your favorite snack and your friend gives you some of theirs. Peace out, man.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Philippians 1:20!

Well, I reckon I ain’t ashamed of nothin’ ’cause I know that in my heart I’m honorin’ the Big Man upstairs. Whether I’m alive or takin’ the dirt nap, I wanna give Him the props He deserves. Ain’t no shame in my game, y’all!