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October 26, 2023

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Verse of the Day Rap of Proverbs 30:5!

Yo, ya hear? Proverbs 30:5, here’s the scoop,
God’s word’s pure, like Grandma’s homemade soup.
Lemme break it down, no need to be sour,
Trust in the Lord, He’s got the power!
His promises strong, no fakin’ or cheat,
So lean on His word, it’s 100% sweet!


Breaking News ### 2 Timothy 3:16-17 ###

Breaking News: ‘2 Timothy 3:16-17’
In an exclusive revelation, the Holy Scriptures have released their authoritative statement! 2 Timothy 3:16-17 declares every scripture as vital and inspired by God Himself. With unmatched power, these words equip believers for righteousness and provide guidance in all aspects of life. Stay tuned as we explore the profound impact of this astounding revelation.


Chillax Verse of the Day Psalms 62:1-2!

My soul waits in cosmic chillaxation, grounded in tranquility.
For the divine is my source of serenity and my inner bong of peace.
No negative vibes shall shake my calm, for I rest upon the sacred vibrations.
Yes, the universe is my refuge, my safe haven of groovy bliss.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 John 3:8!

Ya see, ole John done tole us, “Y’all ever seen a feller reckonin’ he was kin to the devil? Well, let me tell ya, that there’s a sight ya don’t wanna witness. But fear not, folks, fer the Son o’ God done come to give us a good whoopin’ and kick that devil clean outta dodge!”