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October 23, 2023

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Verse of the Day Rap of Psalm 119:162!

Yo, check it, Psalm 119:162
Got me feelin’ the good vibes, all night, all day
I rejoice, no lie, when your words hit my soul
It’s like honey, so sweet, can’t resist the flow
Your truth makes me laugh, keeps me feeling fly
Got me searching for wisdom, no need to ask why
So let’s dance to the rhythm of these heavenly rhymes
Praise the Lord, get down, have a holy good time!


Breaking News ### Galatians 6:2 ###

Breaking news: Galatians 6:2 encourages compassion! This biblical verse urges individuals to bear each other’s burdens, fostering a spirit of empathy and understanding within the community. Highlighting the importance of supporting one another in times of hardship, it aims to promote unity and foster a culture of compassion. Stay tuned for more enlightening spiritual insights!


Chillax Verse of the Day John 4:18!

So, dude, let me break it down for ya. John 4:18 is like this cosmic trip, man. It’s all about love without fear, man! Like, when you chill with love, it’s like a total buzzkill for fear, y’know? Love conquers all, bro! Can’t freakin’ argue with that, man. Love is the ultimate vibe, no doubt!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Colossians 2:15!

Ya see, Jesus done come down from them thar heavens, lassoed ol’ Satan real good, and whipped him fair n’ square in front o’ the whole dang world. That victory party sure was somethin’, ya know? Now that devil’s runnin’ scared, God’s folks ain’t got nothin’ to worry ’bout no more! Yeehaw!


Verse of the Day Rap of Matthew 7:24!

Yo, listen up, homes, here’s a story for ya,
About a wise man buildin’ his crib like a pro,
He built it on some rock, solid and strong,
When the rain poured down, his house stood long!

But the foolish man, oh, he was quite a mess,
Built his crib on sand, his decision was less,
When the storm came knockin’, he should’ve known,
His house went down, like a domino!

Moral of the story, make smart decisions, see,
Don’t build your house on just any ol’ debris,
Be like the wise man and stand tall and proud,
Even when life hits hard, you’ll never be bowed!